Lightbox and Frames

Normal Style, Link To URL
Border Style, Open image With Lightbox
Solid Style, Open Video With Lightbox
Rounded Corner, Open image With Lightbox
Get the code

[gdlr_frame type="normal" align="left" caption="Normal Style, Link To URL"] [gdlr_image_link type="url" image_url="" alt=" " link_url="" target="_blank" width="330px"][/gdlr_frame]
[gdlr_frame type="border" align="left" caption="Border Style, Open image With Lightbox"] [gdlr_image_link type="image" image_url="" alt=" " link_url="" target="_blank" width="330px"][/gdlr_frame]
[gdlr_frame type="solid" align="left" caption="Solid Style, Open Video With Lightbox" background_color="#f5be3b"] [gdlr_image_link type="video" image_url="" alt=" " link_url="" width="330px"][/gdlr_frame]
[gdlr_frame type="rounded" align="left" caption="Rounded Corner, Open image With Lightbox"] [gdlr_image_link type="image" image_url="" link_url="" alt=" " width="330px"]

How About Circle Frame?

Get the code

[gdlr_frame type="circle border" background="#f5be3b" align="center"] [gdlr_image_link type="image" image_url="" alt=" " link_url="" target="_blank" width="350px"][/gdlr_frame]