Privacy Notice for Military And Police Support of West Tyrone (MAPS)

What personal data does MAPS collect?

The data we routinely collect includes members’ names, addresses, email addresses, and dates of birth.We collect this data directly from our members when they join the organisation or if we need to refer you to trusted 3rd parties. Other information allows us to make up a unique reference number, provide details of your service, your victim status and confirmation of VSS organisation membership.

We use members’ data for the administration of your membership; the communication of information, and the organisation of events.

Why do we collect your information?

In the course of running the organisation we gather, store and use this information to provide you, as a member, information about the organisation, our services and other matters of legitimate interest.

What data do we keep?

Generally it will be the information in your membership form along with copies of any paperwork that we complete on your behalf, and instructions.

Visitors to our websites

When someone visits we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns.  We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site.  We collect this information in a way which does not identify anyone.  We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.  We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source.

If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website, we will be up front about this.  We will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.  For example: if you send us a query using the Contact Form on the website, we will collect your email address and any information that you disclose in that email.

Use of cookies by MAPS. [ for more information on ‘cookies’ see notes at the bottom]

The MAPS website does use cookies.

Who is your data shared with?

Your membership is secured when you become a member of MAPS.

We only share information with trusted 3rd party partners when we need to refer you, with your consent. Such partners may be other military and police charities, organisations or support groups.

Your personal data is not passed on by us to organisations other than those indicated above and then only with your consent.


Where does this data come from?

Data for our members comes from them when they join MAPS or when they update their information.

How is your data stored?

This information is mainly stored in the form of written documents and computer membership contact list stored at MAPS.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we have a  Data Protection Officer,the person who is responsible for ensuring MAPSdischarges its obligations under the GDPR.

Who has access to your data?

Management of the committee and staff of MAPS have access to members’ data in order for them to carry out their legitimate tasks for the organisation.

What is the legal basis for collecting this data?

MAPS collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interestsas a membership organisation and to provide necessary assistance when that time may come.

How you can check what data we have about you?

If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you should contact MAPS.

You can contact us with a “Subject Access Request” if you want to ask us to provide you with any other information we hold about you. If you are interested in any particular aspects, specifying them will help us to provide you with what you need quickly and efficiently. We are required to provide this to you within one month.

There is not usually a fee for this, though we can charge a reasonable fee based on the administrative cost of providing the information if a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or for requests for further copies of the same information.

Does MAPS collect any “special” data?

The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “special categories of personal data” of which ‘physical or mental health or condition’ would apply to MAPS. This data will not be shared with trusted third parties without your explicit consent.

How can you ask for data to be removed, limited or corrected?

There are various ways in which you can limit how your data is used.

  • If you wish you could become an “anonymous” member. This would involve you having a pseudonym. We already do this with the use of your DOB and first 4 letters of your mother’s maiden name when we have to communicate with the VSS.
  • You could maintain your membership with your correct name but with limited contact details. However, we do need to have at least one method of contacting you. You could for example simply maintain an up-to-date email address, but of course this would limit what we are able to provide you with in the way of written information that requires a postal address.

How long we keep your data for, and why?

We normally keep members’ data after they resign or their membership lapses in case they later wish to  re-join. However, we will completely delete any former member’s contact details on request.

Other data, such as that relating to accounting or personnel matters, is kept for the legally required period.

What happens if a member dies?

We normally keep members’ information after they die. If requested by their next-of-kin to delete it, and we will do so on the same basis as when requested to remove data by a former member.

How to contact us.

You can contact us by writing to:

Military and Police Support of West Tyrone

53 Market Street


BT79 7RA

Or by email to:


A cookie is a small amount of (text) data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to remember information about you to make that website work ‘better’.

Browser cookies come in two different types: “session” and “persistent.”

Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when the browser is closed. These types of cookies are often used by e-commerce sites to store items placed in your shopping cart and can serve many other purposes as well.

Persistent cookies are designed to store data for an extended period of time. Each persistent cookie is created with an expiration date, which may be anywhere from a few days to several years in the future. Once the expiration date is reached, the cookie is automatically deleted. Persistent cookies are what allow websites to “remember you” for two weeks, one month, or any other amount of time.

The program you use to look at websites ( your Web Browser) should allow you to prevent cookies being saved on your computer. You can do this by altering a browser setting, usually via the ‘Settings’, ‘Privacy’ or ‘Preferences’ tab (or page). You can do this yourself but you may need some help if you aren’t familiar with adjusting computer or browser settings.